Conservative dentistry

Treat dental caries and prevent cavities

Untreated dental caries lead not only to an anaesthetic appearance of the teeth, but even to the need to remove sick teeth.

Conservative dentistry focuses on preventing dental caries and treating its effects. The early stages of dental caries, such as enamel demineralisation, can be treated with minimally invasive methods, but the more the tooth decay progresses, the more serious treatment is required.

Why is it important to prevent cavities?

Prevention of dental caries is a small effort that provides great benefits.

Protection against discomfort and pain

Dental caries can lead to periodontitis, causing fever, swelling, and severe pain. One sick tooth infects the next.

Reduction of expenses for visits at the dentist

Advanced dental caries may require expensive treatment - including root canal treatment, surgical treatment or even implant treatment.

Preserving aesthetic
appearance of teeth

The first visual signs of caries are spots on the teeth, but without treatment, the disease can lead to tooth loss.

Dental caries is the most common dental disease,

but we will help you beat it

If you want to prevent tooth decay in the future, as well as when you are already struggling with it. At DenticaCenter, we develop individual treatment plans adapted to the patient’s health condition based on the examination of the oral cavity and dental health history.


Regular checkups of the oral cavity (every 6 months for adults and every 3 months for children) are the simplest method of effective caries prevention. It allows you to quickly notice the first signs of dental caries, start tooth enamel treatment immediately and avoid more serious treatments.


Modern methods of treatment at DenticaCenter allow you to obtain excellent results both in terms of functionality and aesthetics. We perform enamel remineralisation, cavity fillings, and, if necessary, also root canal treatment, orthodontic treatment and surgical treatment.

Our dentists

At DenticaCenter, we provide comprehensive dental care for children, adults, and seniors.

MD, PhD Marta Katarzyńska-Konwa

LEAD Doctor
Specialist in conservative dentistry, endodontics and cosmetic dentistry


dentist Agnieszka Kaczorowska (Forajter)

LEAD Doctor


dentist Joanna Bijata

Doctor of conservative, cosmetic and prosthetic dentistry


dentist Radosław Halikowski

Doctor of conservative dentistry


dentist Martyna Tabisz – Herban

INVISALIGN doctor – modern orthodontics


dentist Hanna Tatarczyk-Kuban



dentist Kamil Kuban

Doctor of conservative dentistry and endodontics


dentist Aleksandra Żyłka-Żebracka

Doctor of conservative dentistry


dentist Sebastian Karcz

Doctor of conservative dentistry and endodontics


dentist Szymon Szryt

Doctor of conservative dentistry and dental surgery


Price list

Badanie jamy ustnej100 zł
Przygotowanie planu leczenia z omówieniem100 zł
Modele diagnostyczne120 zł
Wizyty kontrolneod 50 zł
Badanie i konsultacja specjalistyod 150 zł
Konsultacja protetyczna/endodontycznaod 150 zł
Znieczulenie zwykłe65 zł
Znieczulenie komputerowe85 zł

Restoration of the shape, colour and function of the tooth:

Odtworzenie kształtu, koloru i funkcji zęba stałego250 – 390 zł
Odtworzenie czasowe – opatrunek150 zł
Estetyczna odbudowa kształtu, funkcji i koloru zębaod 350 zł

Do you need orthodontic treatment?

Book a consultation.

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